OUR CLINIC HAS MOVED! We are now located at 1300 16th Avenue East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 0J6
Call Us: 519-371-0904

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation in Owen Sound
Bayshore Physical Therapy offers breast cancer rehabilitation with a goal to restore and maximize function.

Pre-operative Rehabilitation
This establishes baseline measures including range of motion, strength, limb volume, pain, and functional activities. Instructions include:
- Exercises with progressions
- Document pre-morbid conditions
- Deep breathing exercises
- Postural exercises
- Pain management
- Return to functional activities
- Lymphedema awareness
- Relaxation exercises
- Resources in the community
Early Post-operative Rehabilitation
The goal is to return to basic functional activities and begin to re-establish fluid dynamics.
Ongoing Surveillance (6 Weeks Onward)
This surveillance includes:
- Continue/add passive stretches and scapular stabilizers
- Lymphedema risk reduction/education
- Weight and exercise program
- Ongoing surveillance of function and musculoskeletal limitation

How Can Physical Therapy Help?
Physical therapy can help address challenges that persist after cancer treatment, including:
- Pain
- Decreased range of motion and mobility
- Decreased strength
- Swelling and/or lymphedema
- Decreased grip strength, which is directly related to function
- Seroma formation
- Scar adhesions
- Muscle imbalances
- Neuropathy, nerve disorders, and/or neural tension
- Postural deficits
- Axillary web syndrome
- Loss of function
- Altered body image
- Cancer related fatigue
- Decreased ability to work and function in the home
- Fascial restrictions
- Cognitive changes/difficulties
- Altered immune system
- Psychological, emotional, & social impairments
- Pelvic changes and/or sexual function
If you have any questions about this service or would like to set up an appointment, please contact our friendly staff at Bayshore Physical Therapy.